On Monday in class we talked about the importance of having a 10 second hook that you can use to introduce yourself to people.  The more we talked about this, the more I could see the importance of it.  As much as we joke about it, everyone always starts introductions here with what their major is.  What I have noticed is that after 4 years of hearing majors is that I start to unconsciously tune people out when they tell me their major.  I could see this as a problem that would exist in the business world when it comes to what people do.  After hearing more and more people talk about their work, I could see other people tuning me out what I introduce what I do.

In order to try to combat this, having a 10 second hook is a great idea.  Whether or not it is a question I use as a hook, I think it would be an easy way for people to remember what I say.  I don’t know that this will be one specific static hook, but a basic idea that I could use as a base for the specific audience I was talking to.  You don’t say the same thing to your friend as you do to your boss in other areas of life, so it makes sense that your hook would also be fluid.

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