1. Myth of a Blockhead

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Now let’s just get this straight: it doesn’t take a genius to sell. When I was only six years old, I was at the end of my driveway trying to sell snow cones to anyone who walked by. Was I a genius at the age of six? No! Maybe an evil genius in the fact that I knew if I could sell snow cones, I would have money to go buy ice cream, but definitely not a genius. Even today in stores, just because a person in the store is trying to help you buy something, does not mean they know the answer to every question about the product/service. We can’t all be Einstein.

  1. Myth of a Moneygrubber

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Not everyone who is a salesperson is greedy. When someone says the word sales person, the first thought is probably negative. However, not all salespeople are moneygrubbers and are just using you for compensation. Most salespeople want to help better your life by offering their product/service of what they believe will help you out.

  1. Myth of Natural

Image result for natural salespersonFalse: Only certain people are gifted to be in sales. No, you do not have to be a natural to be good at sales. Sometimes it takes more practice. I know when I started working at the restaurant I have worked at for three years, I was not a good sales person. It took me a little bit to be confident in what I am saying, how I interact with people, and try to move others to part with their resources to buy what I had to offer.

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