There are many things a salesman needs to know about improvisation in a sales conversation. Here is three of them

1. Hear offers

This rule relies on “offering” people data, info, and perspective. The key is to listen to what your prospect has to say to tune into their needs and their pains. Ask a good question and don’t succumb to fill the silence. Remember, the first person to speak loses.

2. Say “Yes, and…”

We are used to hearing and saying, “Yes, but…” but that usually sends a conversation in a negative “can’t do” direction. Instead, try saying “Yes, and…” which is a phase of possibility and options and not futility.

3. Make your partner look good

Improvisation depends on making others look good. When you make your partner look good, your partner will do the same, and so you achieve a win-win situation. If you help others win and make them look good, new possibilities will emerge. Brainstorming in a sales conversation can serve this purpose.

There you have it! You are ready to improvise in your next sales experience.

One thought on “3 Rules for Improvisation”
  1. Your explanation of “hearing” offers helped me fix my notes! I didn’t quite understand the concept before, but you explained it so clearly in a single sentence. Listening so you can find pain to address – it’s as easy as that. Be attentive and focus your offer on what the customer needs.

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