Recently, we learned in class about the 30 second commercial. In case you forgot it looked like this:

  • My name is _______ and I am a _____ with _____________.
  • We provide _______ to _________
  • A question I hear a lot it _____________. (Pain) (touches the heart of your business)
  • Typically, customers who do business with us do so because:
    • _______
    • ________
    • _______ (Three pain points that connect with above. Not sounding like sales, sounding like a problems solver.)
  • Probably the biggest thing we do for customers is _________________________.

Every salesperson is going to use this tool at some point in their career. The 30 second commercial is a tool  that allows you to uncover pain about your potential customers and be able to make a connection with them. It is extremely vital that a salesperson has an effective 30 second commercial and that it feels natural. Every time you meet a new prospect, you will have the opportunity to use this tool and you have to be ready to say it. The 30 second commercial needs to be rehearsed but not fake. A new customer will see through the bologna and tell that your a complete fraud.

This week I have had the opportunity to be interviewed for two different jobs. As a senior, this is the time of year where your looking to get that full time job out of college. Since having those interviews I have seen the comparison between the 30 second commercial and your first face-to-face interview with the company. Mind you, I know your not going to be talking about what services my business can provide but you do have to prove your self. As the interviewee, your trying to find out what the pain is for the organization. What problems are they facing and can my skills help them solve the pain they are feeling. What can i provide to that organization that will make them want me. First impressions are important and everybody you talk to says you have to nail your first impression in the meeting. In almost every interview your going to hear the notorious question: “Can you tell me a little about your self?” You have less than 2 minutes to convince the interviewer that you are worth his time and that you have the skills to solve his pain.

The 30 second commercial and a job interview have similarities and it is important to remember that both are an opportunity to sell yourself and understand how you can help the other person.

By Falco

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