Millennial expectations, values, and skills set are changing the American work place. Why you may ask? For starters, millennia’s represent a growing percentage of the workforce. By 2020, it’s estimated that they’ll represent 46 percent of professionals in the US, so understanding their perspectives, behaviors, and traits will help businesses attract better recruits and work closely with millennial leaders of companies.

There are three primary defining traits of millennia’s that are changing how companies are approaching the sales process:

Familiarity with technology and data analysis

First, and most importantly, millennia’s tend to be more familiar and more comfortable with technology than generation past. They’ve grown up in a world connected by the internet, and they aren’t afraid to tap into that power for their own ends. That means they have faster access to large streams of information, and they are more willing to adapt to new software, new devices, and other new developments that could give them an edge in the sales field.

In a field like sales, where performance depends on the skillful interpretation of existing data sets, this make millennial indispensable. Also training millennia’s on new technology doesn’t take long- in fact, they might be the training you.

Independent mindsets

Say what you will about the implications of this trait, but millennia’s have also grown up with more independent, sometimes stubborn mindsets. Some would argue that this makes millennial entitled and arrogant, while other see it as a strength, encouraging millennial to demand more social justice and social responsibility from corporations, and being more willing to pursue new ideas than to follow traditional models.

Flexibility in communication

Millennia’s have different communication preferences than other generations, usually relying on more advanced or newer forms of technology. Accordingly, there are a handful of strategic developments we’re seeing emerging from companies in response to these millennial traits.

How should businesses respond? The most successful companies of the future are going to be the ones best capable of harness advanced technology.

One thought on “Millennia’s are changing the way we do sales”
  1. Wow, 46% of professionals by 2020! That’s crazy! I love this post because you talk about what changes we’re seeing in sales, but also the reasons the changes are happening. The tech, independence, and communication flexibility points all make a lot of sense, and for me, they connect quite a few dots between alterations I’m seeing in sales right now.

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