One of the best tactics during a sales conversation is a 3rd party story. When a sales conversation first starts it is easy to understand that there is a lot of tenseness between the two people. One person is trying to buy a product or service for as little as possible, while the other would like to make as much of a profit as possible.  This is so helpful because it helps lessen the stress that a potential customer feels during the conversation. This is such a good tactic because a customer does not always understand the seriousness of the situation. In class Professor Sweet talked about an example where a member of his church needed to go to the doctors, but they refused to. However, though telling a third party story his partner was able to show the member of the church the seriousness of their situation and get them to go to the doctors. Story telling has been a tool used by people throughout all of history in order to help makes sense of the psychological struggles.

4 thoughts on “3rd Party Stories”
  1. I love this topic! Third party stories are a great way to relate to the client and a way that they can put themselves in that situation and see what reason they would need that product. It takes off a lot stress for the client and they can think more clearly when thinking out their options.

  2. This definitely has some good insight. Its great to use previous examples in a sales conversation because it allows the potential buyer to understand that the seller has history of caring about what he is selling. Good Stuff!

  3. You are so right – the third party story is a great tool that should be in every salesperson’s toolbox. It is also effective as a fog-lifter. For example, if a prospect asks “How can I know that your product/solution will help me?” you could tell a story about another company that you were able to help in the past.

  4. If nothing else with a third party story it can provide more of a relationship and vulnerability. It is a cool tactic to use in order to continue to drive the sale.

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