1. Respecting other people’s time.
When we back out of a sales commitment, it’s like saying, “My time is more valuable than yours.” Sacrificing another person’s time for our own is an arrogant trade. Our time is not more important than theirs, and it’s not more important than our word. It’s important that we avoid making commitments we might not have time for.

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2. Creating a habit of commitment.
Backing out of a promise is practicing a lack of commitment. A rule I use that applies to most things is, when you do anything wrong (like procrastinating, giving half-effort, etc.), it makes that thing easier to do again. Practice makes perfect whether we mean it to or not, and if we back out of a commitment, we set a bad precedent for ourselves. Especially if nothing really terrible happened, the next sales situation we’re tempted to back out of will be a little easier to quit, and the next a little easier than that, and so on.

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3. Earning people’s trust.
Our trustworthiness is one of the most important aspects of our reputation—as a friend, family member, and business partner. How we fulfill commitments today affects how people interact with and see us in the future, and in sales, this is vital to our success as salespeople.

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4. Honoring God.
The best reason to keep our word is because it’s simply the right thing to do. When we keep our word, we honor God by valuing honesty and showing love to our neighbor.

1 John 2:5 – But whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected.

2 thoughts on “4 Reasons Keeping Our Word is So Important (in Sales and Life)”
  1. good, trustworthy relationships are one way to keep reoccurring business. To be able to maintain relationships and keep trust is a key to business success.

  2. A concept we learned in marketing that I think sums this up perfectly – is that Trust leads to Respect which leads to Customer Loyalty (which is the ultimate goal of any company). Thats why its so important to have good relationships built on trust with our customers.

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