Debating about artificial intelligence covers a lot of theoretical ground, but before we let our imagination run wild, let’s take a look at how AI is already transforming the way salespeople are connecting with prospects and closing deals

Writing emails

By detecting patterns in your emails using natural language processing, AI can begin to anticipate your own responses and write emails for you. These systems can learn to pay attention to names of contacts, dates, addresses, and key phrases. By doing this AI can begin to fire off responses for simple things like availability and even more complicated bits of business like finding answers to specific questions or selecting appropriate attachments to send.

Managing your calendar

This feature merges seamlessly with emails, but imagine having all your meetings, lunches, and client calls scheduled for you. We see a fledgling version of this technology when your phone automatically links phrases like “tomorrow morning” in your text to your calendar. However with new emerging tools that automate time consuming admin tasks for your whole company. AI solutions will essentially give everyone a personal assistant.

Discovering your best leads

During the early stages of a sale there’s a lot of data flying around, and it can be challenging to analyze all this information in a way that can actually be helpful for you to identify and prioritize leads. AI can assemble the data and with predictive lead scoring, indicate where you should focus your attention based on the frequency and type of interaction with your company, how likely they are to buy, and how desirable they are as customers

Enhancing the customer relationships

As you could imagine companies have a lot of blind spots when it comes to their customers. While companies would like to build deeper relationships with customers, the resources haven’t always been there until now. AI tools can learn about customers based on the massive amount of online and company data that’s available. After gathering this information AI will produce insights in a consumable format, giving companies a richer understanding of their customer identity and needs

2 thoughts on “4 ways artificial intelligence is actually going to change the way you do sales”
  1. This is the first time I’m hearing about this, and this is awesome! Well, maybe a little bit creepy to an extent, but using AI in this regard should give sellers an edge, while making their lives easier. Interesting post.

  2. This will definitely change the sales world. I agree with the last point in that customer relationships will improve because of the AI. That will be a great tool to have.

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