According to HubSpot, 80% of sales require at least five or more follow ups. It’s a non-brainer, why salespeople get bad reputations of being pushy and overly persistent. Salespeople participate in traditional procedures that come across demanding and normally turn customers away. We have all seen or experienced these poor habits and know that they are not the generating force behind a sale. Today I will talk about the top five bad habits of salespeople.


#1 Making Statements Instead of Asking Questions

Instead of assuming that every business is the same, make sure you are intentionally asking questions and seeking out individual solutions. Make sure you are intentionally attacking customer problems through unique perspectives. Never assume, always ask.


#2 Brining Up New, Seemingly Unrelated Offerings

Do not try to upsell to your customer if you have not solves the initial problem. If you are trying to upsell, make sure all of the offerings tie together in a coherent story. If the customer can see that your vision includes their benefit, they are more likely to listen then ignore your offer.


#3 Talking Fast and Interrupting

Talking fast does not necessarily mean you’re are an enthusiastic person. Hurrying through the conversation, implies o the customer that you’re either just reciting a script or waiting for them to pull out their credit card. Customers feel further ignored when they are interrupted. HubSpot states, “Cutting prospects off is a no-no – in fact, the less you speak, the more useful information you’re likely to get.


#4 Talking About the Product Right Away

Always lead the conversation by talking about your customer and the problem they need fixed. Ask questions to find out as much information as you can. Approach the sale through need-based selling rather than customer-based selling.


#5 Using Too Many Declarative Works and Phrases

Using words such as “should,” “have to,” and “need to” are read as demanding and pushy. Although a salesperson may have the best intentions in using these words, they come across in a derogatory manner. The condescending nature of these words has the power to ruin a sale from the very start. Try to use more encouraging positive words.

3 thoughts on “5 Bad Habits of Salespeople”
  1. V, this is really great. These five very common “salespeople” habits actually inhibit a sale. It seems to be when a salesperson is almost “not doing their job” meaning, not engaging in these five habits, is when people most trust a seller to give their honest opinion.

  2. This post can even be applied to a retail sales floor. The major thing I have learned when dealing with customers is to never assume anything- keep asking clarifying questions until you understand what they are saying.

  3. i really enjoyed this post because i can relate to it. I know from experience when sales people start to talk fast, and/ or interrupt me, I am more likely to take my business elsewhere. Great post!

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