Start your career in sales with an online degree

On the first day of class, Professor Sweet asked all us to share some info about ourselves as well as why we were interested in sales. My response was simply “Sales wouldn’t be my first choice as a career right out of school, but I’m a marketing major and most of the times that’s where you start.” Even though this is true, it isn’t a bad thing. Here are five reasons why it’s a good thing to start your career in sales:

  1. Professional and Personal Development:  Individuals who work in sales gain valuable life skills, such as negotiating, persistence, and self-discipline, which are useful in both business and personal endeavors. Salespeople build their confidence from building relationships with customers, and often, the most effective professionals become sales managers.

  1. Autonomy:  Students, working parents and professionals who prefer less conventional working environments and scheduling flexibility often appreciate the freedom and independence provided by a sales position. Many sales associates set their own appointments with clients and telecommute from a home office or other desired location. Additionally, companies that staff sales positions, especially retail salespersons, can often accommodate employee requests for evening and weekend work schedules as well as seasonal or short-term employment.
  2. Networking Opportunities:  A sales agent cannot perform his or her job duties without interacting with other people, and each encounter should be considered a potential lead or opportunity to form a new business relationship. Sales pros who play the networking game increase their odds of uncovering new opportunities in unexpected places. These connections may translate into sales or lead to unforeseen professional development opportunities.
  3. Suits Any Skill Set:  Regardless of a job seeker’s college major, favorite hobbies, or professional background, there is likely a sales-related opportunity in just about any field of interest. For those planning a career in something other than sales, holding a sales position can help them develop a strong foundation of experience within their chosen industry.
  4. Advancement Opportunities: Any sales associate with the ability to generate revenue for a company is a valuable asset. In addition to their ability to increase earning potential by expanding sales territory, an aptitude for sales can lead to leadership and management opportunities. A successful career that starts in sales can lead to management roles such as sales supervisor or executive positions such as vice president of sales. In fact, many successful CEOs got their start in sales.
2 thoughts on “5 Reasons to Start Your Career in Sales”
  1. Just focusing on your first reason on professional development. I think its is very important to be able to engage in professional conversations with other workers. Therefore i am a strong believer that working in sales could be really good practice for a person to get better at this skill.

  2. So many of the advancement opportunities made available because of sales are because of personal development. Sales teaches how to sell yourself, which when done correctly, can allow one to climb the corporate ladder.

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