How much do sports and sales have in common? A lot more than you may think, besides the obvious teamwork parallel, there is a lot to draw from our days of running, jumping, and swinging.

1.Have mental focus

If you have ever played a sport, you have heard the words “dig deep” screamed at you towards the end of a grueling workout. This phrase appeals solely to mental toughness rather than athletic ability. This phrase can be used towards the end of the month. No matter how challenging the previous weeks have been, you will hone your skills, do what is asked of you, and do it well.

2.Overcome obstacles

In track and field, the way to successfully leap over a bar or hurdle is to speed up as you approach it. Although slowing down is the natural human reaction, this will only lead to failure. Similarly, in sales, you will encounter challenges every day that need to be addressed. You must confront these struggles with the understanding that there will be another hurdle following and you will have to jump it just as aggressively.

3.Time management is key

When life demands balancing practice time, game days, a social life, and other commitments, you will quickly realize effective time management is necessity rather than a luxury. Spreading yourself to thin is dangerous in sales, but with time management skills from your sports past, you will find it easy to manage your daily schedule.

4.Practice makes perfect

In both sales and sports, plenty of training is required. Although methods vary, training is ultimately meant to prepare you for the big win. In sales and sports, you learn to review, edit, and tweak to achieve your best results.

5.Keep learning

Whether it’s from members of your team, coaches, or professionals there’s always something left to learn. In sales, continued learning might come in the form of reading industry news, following thought leaders, or tracking the competition.


4 thoughts on “5 sales lesson you can learn from sports.”
  1. This is a great post! I can definitely relate to this post since I love sports. From the adrenaline rushes, to failures, nerves, managing a schedule, and crushing your goals! It’s great to be able to relate an experience with another.

  2. You did a great job of comparing sports to sales. I’m beginning to understand that most selling situations can be related to other aspects of life.

  3. I like the parallels you drew between sports and sales. A lot of it comes down to motivation. The same way a coach may motivate their team mambers, you’ve got to find it within yourself to overcome what may stand in your way, in the sales process.

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