When in a sales conversation it is easy to fall into the trap of telling the customer what they want instead of listening to them. That’s why when selling you should always follow the 70-30 rule. 70% listening and 30% speaking. During your 30% of talking it is important not to tell, but ask more question to get the customer to talk. A good way to do this is to ask the 5 whys. This tactic is a great way to help find the root of the pain of the customer. This is done by asking a question, then response to their answer respond, “Now, why is that” or “Why is that the case”. During this process one of the keys, is not to get lost in the details. If you focus on the details rather than the core cause of the pain.

4 thoughts on “5 Whys”
  1. Asking good open ended questions (like the 5 whys) is a great way to get the customer to talk more. This is vitally important in sales as you dig to find the real pain.

  2. Ahh, the magical 5 why’s! I call them magical because they are absolutely fabulous at getting to the heart of pain! They just keep getting more and more specific until the pain is discovered. Even once the pain is discovered, the 5 why’s can help define it better and narrower to make it easier to provide an effective diagnosis for!

  3. the 5 whys are the best topic to talk about and i wish i could have talked about them becasue they are interesting. great post.

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