How to close a sale

There are countless articles throughout the internet that explain secret tips and tricks to sales. One of those places is Sales Insight Lab. They list a plethora of helpful articles to help salespeople hone their skills. One article that is particularly helpful is “6 Critical Tips on How to Close the Sale” by Marc Wayshak. Wayshak lists several tips that can be used by any salesperson.

One tip Wayshak presents is the need to demonstrate authority. This point was really insightful to me personally, as oftentimes salespeople are instructed to start a sales conversation like it is a regular conversation. However, there is the potential that a potential buyer might not see the value in even having the discussion in the first place. What Wayshak presents in his article is establishing credibility by demonstrating insight at the start of the conversation so that the customer feels like the conversation is justified. Busy people don’t like to feel like their time is being wasted.

Another tip that Wayshak writes about in his article is “dig super deep”. This might seem obvious, but far too often salespeople pick up the phone or start a conversation with a potential buyer before they have done an ample amount of research on the customer and their needs. This tip is focused on making salespeople ask questions and go deeper and deeper. With more questions asked, more trust is built and the salesperson will know better the pain points and potential solutions they might be able to provide.

There are many articles across the web that highlight sales tips that are infinitely helpful to salespeople. Wayshak has done a good job of discussing several good principles in his article, “6 [CRITICAL] Tips on How to Close the Sale”. I encourage you to click through to the article and learn more from Wayshak’s wisdom.

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One thought on “6 Critical Tips on How to Close the Sale by Marc Wayshak”
  1. Digging super deep is such cool insight. I like the idea a lot of doing your due diligence before making a call. It shows that you care and are ready to talk about anything that comes your way because you understand it fully.

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