6 Personality Traits of a Good Salesperson 

These are the 6 personality traits of a good salesperson should have within in this job.

  • Good Listener
    • If you want the future customer to pay attention what you say as a salesman you have to be willing to listen to the future customer first.
    • A good salesman will understand to listen and allow the future customer to speak and also will allow them to get an insight into their problem.
    • It proves the future customer that the salesman’s valued what they have to say about the product
  • Asks Questions
    • Asking questions shows that you are interested in someone else’s needs
    • Also you end up discovering ways you can customize your sales pitch to them.
  • Confident
    • Make sure you are confident in yourself and in the soultion you are selling.
    • When you show confidence in what you are selling it positively influences the future customers perception
  • Friendly
    • No one wants to do business with person they do not agree with
    • By being friendly you have the freedom to connect with the future customers.
  • Follows Up
    • Future customers are usually ready to buy after one discussion, and which means the salesman needs to follow up.
    • As a salesman make sure you ask the future customers for multiple ways to connect and reach out.
  • Relentless
    • A salesman should know to avoid becoming discouraged when they hear the work “no”.
    • The salesman should find other ways to get to the result they would like in the end of the sale
2 thoughts on “6 Personality Traits of a Good Salesperson”
  1. I very much agree with all of these traits that a salesperson should possess. It is often easy for a salesperson to get too caught up in the ultimate goal of closing the sale, but it is just as important to recognize the value in how you get to that point. The salesperson has to earn the right to ask for the potential customer’s business, and these traits all play a part in the process. If a sales meeting does not end in a close of a deal, then it is imperative that the salesperson learns from their mistakes and takes actions to do things differently the next time.

  2. I really like all of these character traits that a salesperson should posses. I really like the quality of following up with the client. I think more often than not the salesperson pitches a sale to a client and than they don’t reach out after that. The salesperson tends to expect to hear back from the client on their decision and that is that. Communication is a big part of a sale and should always happen between the salesperson and the client.

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