Many would agree that it is difficult to define exactly what a “salesperson” is in today’s terms. In fact, it can be argued that nowadays everyone is a salesperson in one way or another. With that in mind, it can be difficult to determine exact what sales is, and how to navigate the field. In this post, I will define six proven rules according to the experts.

  1. “Understand their needs better than any other company.” Steve Jobs was a firm believer in this rule. He saw his job as figuring out how desires could be fulfilled- elegantly, efficiently, and profitably.
  2. “A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. Thy will be embarrassingly large.” Henry Ford was the biggest advocate of this one. He realized he couldn’t please everyone all the time, so instead he targeted what really mattered to his customers, which was affordable and reliable transportation.
  3. “If i had to run a company on three measure, those measure would be customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and cash flow.” Jack Welch focused on customer satisfaction as his primary goal. He realized that it would be pointless to increase internal efficiency and product quality if the customer was not benefiting in the end.
  4. “If you build a great experience, customers tell each other.” This was said by Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO, and to me it was probably the one that stuck out the most. In the end, customers are always eager to tell others of their experience, whether it was good or bad.
  5. “People do things for their reasons, not yours.”  This means you shouldn’t burden your customers by telling them how difficult your job is or what you are currently facing.
  6. “The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife.”  David Ogilvy recognized that customers are focused on one thing: whether they will buy or not. Successful salespeople should patiently and respectfully give them the information they need to make their decision.

Although these few rules are only a start to navigating the world of sales, they provide a proven and solid foundation for those entering sales in today’s society.

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