During my time shadowing my father’s meeting with potential clients as well as current clients, I was able to encounter one of the rules we talked about in class, rule #17 the professional does what he did as a dummy, on purpose.

During a certain meeting without getting into too much detail, there was an middle aged man who was probably in is late 30s who wanted to get a IRA plan. When my father met him after they introduced themsleves to eachother as well as I introduced myself. My father asked started asking “dummy” questions some of these questions were: why do you want a IRA plan? What are you looking to get out of a IRA plan? how much money do you want to have saved up by the time you retire?

These questions seem like very simple questions but they were actually really important because of the questions my father was able to really understand what the prospect was looking for and was able to talk with the prospect about ideas and plans that would best suite his goals.

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