An interesting bit by Dave Mattson describing why most sales people struggle. He says there are three basic areas of improvement: attitude, behavior, and techniques.

Improving in these areas are, of course, easier said than done. A lot of times bad habits are formed before they’re recognized as detrimental, leading to extra work on behalf of the sales person. But if they work hard at it and tackle only a bit at a time to form new habits, they’ll be on their way to a healthier mindset and happier prospects. Mattson emphasizes the importance of working on these “improvements” every single day – that way a habit is truly formed.

One thought on “A B … T?”
  1. I agree with Mattson about the primary importance of Attitude. It’s everything, from the moment you step into a meeting or call- it is your countenance, tone, inflection, etc. that sets the tone for how the interaction will go. Good salesmen always make sure to read each situation individually and carefully and do well because of this.

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