In the Harvard Business Review article “The 5 Things All Great Salespeople Do,” author Marc Wayshak identifies five key habits that distinguish great salespeople from their average counterparts.

The first habit is to stay focused on the customer’s needs. Great salespeople understand that selling is not about them or their product, but about solving the customer’s problems and meeting their needs. They take the time to understand the customer’s goals, challenges, and pain points and provide tailored solutions that meet their specific needs.

The second habit is to prioritize their time and focus on high-value activities. Great salespeople know that their time is their most valuable asset, and they prioritize their time based on the potential return on investment. They focus on high-value activities such as prospecting, networking, and closing deals, and delegate low-value tasks to others.

The third habit is to take a consultative approach to selling. Great salespeople act as trusted advisors to their customers, providing expert advice and guidance throughout the buying process. They take the time to understand the customer’s business and industry and provide insights and recommendations that add value.

The fourth habit is to embrace rejection and learn from it. Great salespeople understand that rejection is part of the sales process and use it as an opportunity to learn and improve. They analyze their failures and successes and use this information to refine their approach and improve their performance.

The fifth habit is to continuously learn and develop their skills. Great salespeople are always looking for ways to improve and develop their skills. They invest in training and development programs, attend conferences and events, and seek out feedback from their peers and customers.

In conclusion, great salespeople possess certain habits and qualities that set them apart from their average counterparts. They stay focused on the customer’s needs, prioritize their time and focus on high-value activities, take a consultative approach to selling, embrace rejection and learn from it, and continuously learn and develop their skills. By adopting these habits and qualities, salespeople can improve their performance and achieve greater success.

3 thoughts on “The 5 Things All Great Salespeople Do”
  1. This article provides many great pieces of advice for a salesperson. We all know the typical salesperson but this article talks about what actually works in the field. Focusing on the right things in a sale is one of the most important parts of a sales relationship. If you are not looking at the bigger picture of the sale and instead focusing on a million things, you will seem to not fully understand what the buyer is looking for. It may even be that they do not know what they are looking for exactly. Questions will lead to more questions and eventually to answers.

  2. This article outlines five key traits and behaviors that distinguish great salespeople from their peers. The author emphasizes the importance of active listening, empathy, curiosity, resilience, and the ability to build and maintain strong relationships. By developing these skills, sales professionals can connect with their customers on a deeper level, understand their needs and preferences, and provide tailored solutions that drive results. These traits not only contribute to success in sales but are also valuable in a range of professional and personal contexts, making this article a worthwhile read for anyone looking to improve their communication and interpersonal skills.

  3. I love what you had to say about the 5 things that great salespeople do! Personally I believe that the first one is the most important one. Focusing on what the customer’s needs are is an amazing thing to practice. It also can generate reoccurring sales because the person you are selling to will have a great experience that they will want to replicate someday down the road. It can also help to get people to spread the word about your great sales practices, if people know that you are going to find their actually needs they are more likely to tell others so they can have the same experience.

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