Positivity is essential in the game of sales however, there is a balance as in all things. Positive self talk is a great way to keep in a positive mindset amidst the battering of rejection. An optimistic mindset can be a weakness to someone that uses it in a lying sense. I know that I often can talk myself into a positive way of think and often lying to myself about my situation until i believe it to be true. This can help someone to power through but when it come to reflection and self analyses it can become harmful. There is no reason to correct a situation that to you seems to have gone extraordinarily well. So, while it is a great benefit to stay positive is it a great weakness if that positivity brings you to a lack of self awareness and self reflection. There needs to be the ability to debrief yourself after a n interaction if you want to grow and become better at what you do, be that in sales or everyday life.

4 thoughts on “Positivity”
  1. I completely agree with you on how positivity is essential in the process of sales. I think it is very effective when positively is lifted up in any situation such as sales of everyday life.

  2. Perhaps another reason why why interrogative self talk is such a great concept. I like that you use the word debrief because when you question yourself after a experience that is exactly what you are doing. You are debriefing. What did I do? How can I be better? What should I do next time? etc

  3. I wrote a post on this as well and really see the benefit of it in sales. I asked this on Jay’s post as well but how does the benefits of positivity affect other occupations? In sales it is imperative but a doctor, teacher etc need to implement it too and even Paul argues its importance in our faith.

  4. Yeah I completely agree that positivity in sales is immensely important in the sales process. Being able to have that conversation with yourself after a failed sale but being positive about the future is so crucial.

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