Cold calling can be beneficial in some aspects but it is usually best to do some planning. When planning for a sale, take into consideration things such as who you are selling too, why you are selling what you are selling, and their interests. Understanding these things not only will increase your chances of the sale but also help ease any anxiety you might have going into the sale. Cold calling can be extremely nerve racking because you really do not know what to expect from the customer. You may get an understanding and interested customer, or you may get a hard no and not get more than five words out.

It is important to understand underlying interests which is often associated with the pain that you are trying to solve. Like in the sales funnel, features tell, benefits sell. A customer can listen all day to a salesperson about what the product is but if they do not know why they need it, chances are they will not buy it. In the planning process, it can be beneficial to put yourself into the customers shoes, and really understand why they may want the product, idea, or service.

For someone who is new to sales and is nervous with communicating, they can find a trusted friend and just practice talking to them about what they are trying to sell. Practicing what you may say, and getting familiar with your style of selling, will help decrease the usual bad first sales when they actually start selling.

One thought on “Planning Your Sale”
  1. I really like your topic and think that planning, although limited in how much can be done, along with research are imperative to effective selling and building those relationships with customers that will last.

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