As Dr. Sweet has mentioned in class, cold calling is something that many people dread or skip altogether.  This is because how often you fail in it.  It is often the hardest part of making a relationship and is more than likely unsuccessful.  But as has been mentioned in class it is a very good practice tool for creating conversation in tough situations.  Being able to start a productive conversation that usually the other party doesn’t work and or you know nothing about the person makes more tailored conversation a breeze to have.  You learn how to start a conversation as well as how to push the conversation towards your end goal.  You also learn how to use your limited time wisely because if you take too long to catch someone’s attention they can easily hang up.  It is also important to not get discouraged at a lack of success with cold calling and know that the more you do it the more leads you can produce.  During a summer internship, in which I constantly cold called, I would make on average around 350-450 cold calls a day and within that I would maybe get 50-100 pick-ups which would result in, on a good day, 10-15 leads.  This shows how much it is a numbers game that you cann0t get caught up in.  Cold call is incredibly important to your down the road sales skills.

6 thoughts on “Cold Calling”
  1. Excellent post, I would agree that the practice of cold calling is a huge first step in the development of sales skills, though not the last stop on the journey. This teaches incredible patience as well as gives us tons of exposure. While the success rate is very slim, that is not the importance of this learning tool. We find that we get so much more out of it than leads.

  2. I have never cold called before, but I have definitely been on the receiving end. I have experienced both good and bad salesman. One bad experience I had, the cold caller actually cursed at me when I said that I was not the person who he named. This is why a good 10-second hook is necessary for a successful cold call, one that does not scare the customer away.

  3. Great points! Cold calling is definitely scary, but as you mentioned, the more you do it the better you get. That is a crazy amount of people to call, but you’re right it truly is a numbers game.

  4. I completely agree with your points! While cold calling might seem scary or even stupid at first, it builds the foundations for your sales skills in the future!

  5. Wow those numbers are tough! way to keep at it! I really liked how you emphasized the fact that you are working with a time limit. this is something that people aren’t always thinking about. In a world that is so focused on the fact that time is money. this time is money is a concept that much of the world has taken on and because of this people are so focused on not having their time waisted. This means that in sales conversations there is a very important emphasis on that time that you are spending. This means that you have to make sure that you are keeping the client captivated throughout the meeting, this especially seems like it pertains to cold calls.

  6. I agree with you how cold calling is something that people dread to do in the sales enivorment. I found it very interesting in class that it a good practice tool for creating conversations with potential clients.

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