Male Office Worker Crawling Under Desk To Plug Lead Into Computer Foto ...Clarity is the capacity to help others see their situations in fresh and more revealing ways, and to identify problems they didn’t realize they had. Oftentimes, people can become so wrapped up in the pain of their situation that they can’t see themselves clearly out of it. This often leads to extended periods of suffering, that can be avoided with the help of a salesperson. It is one of the many roles of a salesperson to help their prospective customers identify their pain and a solution. Additionally, if a prospective customer has dealt with a pain for so long, it may be hard to help them see that they need to change anything at all. Asking good questions to ensure that the client comes to conclusions by themselves, and not prescribing them with a pain is key. At first, this was a hard concept for me to grasp. After all, wouldn’t I, the person suffering pain, know the pain that I am suffering from the get-go? As it turns out, people often feel a pain, but can’t pinpoint what it is, in addition to how to ease the pain.

For instance, say a salesman, we’ll call him Bob is in the business of selling extension chords. Fred, a prospective client works in a big office, with 2 outlets behind his desk. Each morning, Fred had to climb under his desk to plug in his computer charger. The amount of time that Fred spends plugging in his charger every day, takes away from his productivity on the job. Bob may notice this pain, but for Fred, it has become just another part of his workday. Bob may pose the question, “how much time would you save each week if you didn’t have to climb under your desk everyday?” I think you can see where this is going; in the end, Bob will sell Fred an extension chord. This is a small glimpse into the importance of a salesperson. They help us to find solutions to our problems and give us clarity on the pains we may have become blind to.


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