Clarity is something that comes with time of understanding someone and their situation. From a sales perspective it is different than that of what is used in an everyday sense of mind. In sales clarity is about helping others see their situations more clearly or in a different perspective. In order to this of course there is something you have to do… LISTEN!!! If you as a salesperson are not taking the time to listen to the prospective client about their pain, situation, or problem then there is no way you could offer that prospective client clarity on their situation.

In the modern age there as been a rise in the digital ability of customers to be able to find the answer to their questions or problems without needing a salesperson to answer it for them. Customers have bridged the information gap that once used to sway in favor of the salesperson to now in favor of the customer. No longer do customers need sales people to tell them what they need instead all they have to do is a quick Google search and BOOM they have what they need. People in sales need to adopt a new philosophy that focuses on creating a new and unique approach to the perspective of the customer’s problem or pain.

To do this in the modern age sales people will have to become skillful at hacking the pain that the customer is facing. Funny, Right? In the modern age it is all digital, which can lead to hacks, which is why you as the sales person has to figure out how to hack into the customers mind, find the pain, and offer a fresh new perspective to address that pain. Of course you don’t want to literally hack into their brains or computers, but instead ask probing questions that will continue to allow you to better understand your customer and their pain. This is something that is going to become instrumental in the new era of sales. In order to “hack” you have to ask!

By Daniel

One thought on “Clarity! and Not in the Claritin Sense!”
  1. I like the sales and digital age puns. And yes we do not need to find that “hack” to hack away at people’s pain because as always no pain= no sale. Clarity well makes the situation well more clear. We can actually figure out why the person feels the way they feel and how to solve their why not just their what.

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