Don Draper, from Mad Men, is a strong salesman who can provide some insight into the sales world and how selling can be done well. Within this movie clip, the sales pitch given is solid; the potential investors have already been in this industry for many years and have achieved a lot, but not enough. The new salesmen are presenting their idea of a lipstick for women that is unique to them, it would provide differing shades for their own skin tones and preferences. The tagline in this sales pitch is to “Mark Your Man.” As this line is presented, it may be perceived differently, person to person, but at least as far as they know, this is ultimately, deep down, what the women want. They are trying to appeal to their customer market and allow them to delegate the product and how it is unique to them.

The investors in the video are mainly against this video because all they can see is that they have limited options for lipstick. Their perception is that women always want numerous different colors and types of lipstick. However, this is contradictory to the salesman’s pitch and his belief as to what he has seen firsthand what women want. They want to have options, but they want to be the ones who can choose them and also make them unique to their taste. Women want to be able to make their own choices and decide their fate, even if it is just the idea of makeup, especially when it was a newer idea for women to do so when the period of this movie took place. In conclusion, Don was presenting his belief of making good sales, only if the investors and customers believe in their product. Without belief and the motivation to further the product, the business idea as a whole may not grow very quickly or maybe not much at all. Make sure to consider this when you are trying to get sales, do not start fishing for the wrong investments when they don’t even believe in the product or the business itself.

Don Draper’s Sales Pitch – Funny Yet Effective Way To Sell More – Bing video

2 thoughts on “Mad Men: What do the people want?”
  1. This is really interesting! Yes, belief seems key here. If you don’t believe in your own service, why would you expect anyone else to? This also seems like a good idea of being willing to walk away from investors that clearly will not show belief in your service. It will only save both parties more time to move on instead of circling around an issue that will never get resolved.

  2. I really like the way that you tied in the sales techniques that we have learned into the example that shows the sales process in this clip. I completely agree that the belief in your own service is something that plays a pivotal role.

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