Over the past few weeks we have been discussing the idea of answering questions with questions. Not necessarily to the point where we drive the customer crazy or anything but just enough to truly get to the bottom of a situation. I find this rule to be incredibly effective and also really fun. In more ways than one answering a questions allows to dig deeper and get more and oftentimes increasingly valuable info the deeper we dig down. Also the  other great thing about the rule is that fun does not end with just you, The other party tends to benefit from the action as well. When you ask someone a lot of well thought out and well timed questions it makes them feel valued and feel like they are truly being heard.  I find that in a lot cases it isn’t that people are trying to hide information from you- it is just tha they are so conditioned to just stuck to the surface level facts because they assume that  nobody else will care to listen beyond. And sadly in many cases they are right. However when someone asks thoughtful questions to try to understand how a person feels about a subject the person is met with a pleasant surprise. This shapes up in sale well too. When a person feels valued and heard trust naturally begins to formulate. When the customer is surprised with genuine care they are more likely to loosen and do business with you because they are more likely feel like you are genuinely looking out for them- which you should be with your questions. I feel this rule at times can be applied to everyday life. Getting to learn more about others around is an exciting prospect. And improving other’s day in the process makes it even more interesting.

2 thoughts on “Answering a Question With a Question”
  1. I think this is an important lesson that most salespeople need to understand and completely agree that it should not be to the point where it is annoying them, but just to get a better understanding of their needs.

  2. Answering a question with a question is a strategy that will be able to open doors upon doors during a sales conversation. The client could possibly get frustrated with the fact that you are not answering their question so I think that it is equally as important to be able to gauge when to answer their question without firing back with a question to their question

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