With the digital marketplace firing on all cylinders, it is very easy to buy and sell things online. Online selling can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Online selling avoids the face-to-face interaction between the buyer and the seller. A simple click and you can buy or sell a product.

Along with my woodworking sales, I also buy and sell antiques. I buy antiques at flea markets, yard sales, and many other places. I myself enjoy collecting antiques but also enjoy making some cash through others. I tend to only sell antiques on Ebay. It can be very easy to not think of selling things online as being a salesperson. You never have to talk to anyone and give them a pitch on why they need it. However, you still have to persuade them to buy it. This all comes in how you display what you are selling. A simple white screen with a price and a picture, will have a much less chance of selling. Multiple pictures, with a well written description and a price will have a much greater chance of selling. In sales, we tend to say, “features tell, benefits sell”. However, in online selling, especially with physical products, the features can sell. There may be benefits written in the description, but it will mainly be the features.

In person selling will most likely always exist but online selling will also play a large role in selling. Online selling is rapidly increasing, and it is important to realize how to sell online compared to in person.

One thought on “Selling Online”
  1. I completely agree that online selling is a good thing and bad thing. I have also seen online selling increase because my dad also sells antiques on eBay. I have seen how important to realize how to sell online compared to in person .

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