A few months ago I was in desperate need of a new pair of hockey skates, especially seeing as I was planning to be on the Grove City College Ice Hockey team. A bit of backstory as to why this need was so desperate is that I have really wide feet so most pairs of skates don’t fit me. In my quest for a nice pair of skates I went to multiple stores, including Dick’s Sporting Goods, Dunham’s, Pure Hockey, and many online sites. My experience online simply couldn’t work out because, the more research I did, the more I found that wide hockey skates are not all like each other. Some of them are barely wide and others are super wide and none of them specify which one. Being left with in person stores, Dick’s and Dunham’s not only had small selections of wide skates, but their customer service was awful, nobody seemed to care about me and my quest for the right skate. Pure Hockey, however, was different. As soon as I walked in the door, I was greeted and someone was already asking me how they could help direct me before I had taken more than 10 steps. Once I told them I was looking for wide skates, the employee found my size of skate and brought all of the wide fit pairs they had. He was patient while I tried each pair until I found a few I liked. Once I singled out a pair, I found that I could buy the same model online for around $10 cheaper but I asked him if he got any commission for a skate sale and there was in fact a slight commission so I was more than happy to pay the extra ten because of the wonderful experience I had!

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