Recently, a man came into the toy store I work at (Playthings Etc.) looking to give us another toy to sell in our store. I was the first to greet him as he walked in the door and he shook my hand and told me who he was and asked for my name as well. I forwarded him to our manager who he talked to briefly as to why he was there and then proceeded to ask me if he could play with a few toys in the store, to which I was more than happy to let him! Immediately he stuck out as a good salesman because he adapted to the casual, fun loving place that we were in and was able to mimic the energy that our store had. He had a particular toy that he was asking us to consider purchasing and, rather than pushing us to buy, he opened it up to demonstrate it and let us play with it and keep it before he left. While he was leaving, he came over to each individual employee and, by name, said it was a pleasure being in our store.

Though this could have simply been a salesman sweet talking his customer, he did a very good job at making a personal relationship with each employee at our store. He also mimicked our fun loving environment very well. I think the biggest thing that stuck out to me in the whole experience was that he remembered each of our names to thank us for showing him all of the fun things in our toy store! Overall, whether we ended up taking their product or not, it was a sales experience that I won’t forget!

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