Evan Addams, a guest speaker in our class this week, discussed how to go from 1 to 100 million in sales. The first point he showed us was, “how they buy is more important than why they buy.” At first, this seemed counter to what we had been discussing over the course of the semester. We have put a large emphasis on getting to the why and understanding the reason someone is experiencing pain. However, as Evan continued to explain the idea, I understood the importance. The “how” is so important because if the prospect has made the decision to buy but can’t understand HOW the idea/product/service will be implemented, they will be discouraged from buying because they will believe the responsibility will rest on them alone as well as think that it is impossible for them to accomplish. If the salesman is able to clearly show not only why they need the product but how it can be smoothly implemented the buyer will be much more comfortable with making the purchase.

This made me realize that it is important to understand all the ways in which your product works and what needs to happen so that it can be effectively used as soon as the customer makes their purchase. This understanding of your product builds trust with your customer and additional trust in your product.

One thought on “How over the Why”
  1. I too was a little confused when he talked about the “how” being more important than the “why” but it does make sense. Especially in services, it is very important to explain the how. If you are a new business, many customers may question how you will get what you are trying to do done. It is still important to explain why they need it to influence them but then also explain how.

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