Today, Evan Adams spoke to our class about the importance of the “How.” Oftentimes in sales, salespeople get so hung up on explaining why prospective customers should participate in the sale that they neglect the next step, which is proving how they are going to achieve the promised results. How – How to do it

Much of the job of a salesperson is helping the customer to trust you, and your word. After all, if every purchase was guaranteed to benefit, then salespeople would be eliminated altogether. The more negative sales experiences that a customer has had, the less willing they are to trust your word.

For instance, Evan Adams described a selling situation where the prospective client was ecstatic about the idea that Adams was presenting to him; however, he demanded knowing HOW he was going to make it happen. This is where Adams had to think quick, and be prepared to give an answer.

This concept is not only in sales, but also the bible. 1 Peter 3:15 says “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” In our walk with Christ, we must be prepared to defend our faith when it is challenged. Likewise in sales, it is important to demonstrate your faith in your product. A customer will be more likely to believe what you believe, if you show them an action plan that is well thought through.

One thought on “Importance of the How”
  1. I really like how you framed this concept that Evan spoke on. This topic serves as a great reminder that even though, as entrepreneurs, we need to believe in the why behind what we are doing and selling, it is arguably more important at times to be able to explain the how. When making a sale, it is customary for prospective buyers to be interested in HOW you are going to help them with specific action items. If you fail to prove the logistics behind your mission and purpose, then it is much less likely that your prospect will turn into an actual buyer.

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