When solving problems, we realize there are many companies serving the same purpose. Why should our prospect choose us? Is it because we beg for their business more than the next guy? Or that we were first to the jump? No. Ideally, it is because we presented our care and knowledge of the company and their needs, rather than just dumping products or services on someone that does not need them. What we ought to do in a sales relationship is study up on the prospect and develop a deeper relationship. This concept is a huge differentiator to the competition and will likely provide increased success and retention. Prospects can be genuinely impressed by these types of salespeople because they brought interest and care to the table instead of merely looking for another sale. This prospect-salesman relationship is priceless and invaluable to them. As Evan Adams did, we can create a “people-centric decision making tree.” Evan would even start at the very bottom to develop this relationship inside a company. By befriending people and gaining trust, we set ourselves up for a very favorable selling situation. I really appreciated this quote from Evan Adams and believe it is very valuable… “Know your customer as well or better than they know themselves.”

3 thoughts on “Inside-Out”
  1. The people-centric decision making tree was a very helpful idea for me, we need to take the posture of a consultant and show concern for their business.

  2. I agree with you that the prospects can be very impressed by these types of salespeople in the sales world today. It is important when a salesperson is actually interested into my problem and wants to actually help me out.

  3. Hey Ben – Well said, I agree with you that simply solving a problem is not enough in sales. The key to success lies in building a strong relationship with the prospective client and understanding their needs. By demonstrating care and knowledge of the company, we can differentiate ourselves from the competition and increase our chances of success and retention. I also found Evan Adams’ approach of creating a people focused model to be extremely valuable. By befriending people and gaining their trust, we can set ourselves up for a very favorable selling situation.

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