This is less of an experience I have had and more of a thought that I have been pondering but, I believe that, using the skills that we have in sales, we can “sell the Gospel” so to speak. I have realized that a lot of the good sales techniques that we use in selling a product can be nearly directly translated into sharing the Gospel to others. Being empathetic and caring is a characteristic of Jesus and it is very beneficial to use in a sales process, really relating yourself to the customer. Finding the pain which, in the case of the Bible, can be so many things but ultimately the chains of sin wrapped around someone can be cured by Jesus and His sacrifice for us. Conveying this solution in a way that fits their pain is very important, just like it would be in a normal sales process. It is also so important to believe in your product and that applies just as much here as anywhere else! Being able to see the difference that Jesus has made in someone else’s life is frequently a reason that a non-believer investigates into Christianity more, seeing something special in the followers of Christ. Finally, you are offering this Gospel at a great price (it’s FREE!!!) and you can do so in a way that still clarifies the legitimacy of the wonderful Truths we hold dear to our hearts! I believe that Jesus has gifted each one of us to “sell the Gospel” to everyone we encounter, even just by living life for Him!

4 thoughts on “Selling The Gospel”
  1. This is a great point. I really appreciate your practical transfer of skills from traditional sales in business to the selling the good news of Jesus Christ. I have enjoyed hearing pieces of how this works in a church setting from Professor Sweet. He emphasizes the fact that he was equipped with unconventional sales training after he pastored a church and used many of the same tactics in order to relate to the congregation. We are able to apply this to how we live our everyday lives so that we can be prepared to share the gospel with people when the opportunity arises.

  2. I find it really relieving and just comforting to know that some of these techniques can be used in everyday life and especially even when it comes to the gospel. Knowing the needs and answering questions of your “customer” or non-Christian can often be approached in the same way. It helps those of us who are presented with opportunities to reach people with the gospel and some techniques that can better serve the people as a whole.

  3. I love this. I think it was Francis Schaeffer who said that if he had 60 minutes to share the Gospel with someone, he would spend the first 50 in silence and then the last 10 talking. In this way, he put them first to see where their struggles were and then met them where they were with the Gospel!

  4. I love this though such as selling the Gospel. I think this is a really good point because I have bought bracelets that are spreading the Word of God. I have found out that when I tell people about them, I am selling the Word of God. I love spreading the Word of God with clothing or bracelets.

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