In class Professor Sweet has went over the importance of asking the 5 whys. The 5 whys approach was developed by IDEO. I have actually learned about the 5 whys in another class I took with Professor Sweet which was Social Entrepreneurship, so I see why is it super important as an entrepreneur. In the other class with Professor Sweet we actually brought the 5 whys into our final project, and it helped my group members and I break things down in our final project. So, asking a why is a way to get a response and then ask another why. The key strategy to the 5 whys is moving through the PAIN funnel. Professor Sweet goes over many reasons 5 whys help during sales such as, it connects with “the problem the prospect brings you to is never the real problem.” With that the why is as important as getting that answer to YES or NO. As the salesperson you could ask yourself many questions for example the ones from Sales:

  • Why do you think your sales are lagging?
  • Why do you think that’s the case?
  • What do you think is the root of that?
  • Who do they blame for this?
  • What do you think is the real reason?

I personally think the 5 whys from class have taught me a good way to break down the problem that the prospect is having. From Social Entrepreneurship class and Sales class the 5 whys concept is really important to know about as an entrepreneur or a future entrepreneur.

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