Growing a company can be one of the most daunting and painful tasks that an entrepreneur can face, yet the process can ultimately become one of the most fulfilling and invigorating parts of one’s entire life. As Evan Addams pointed out in class, sometimes the best path forward isn’t always clear, by which I mean there will be times when an entrepreneur is required to do unscalable things to achieve a scalable result.  If it were easy, everyone would do it. In addition to this, Evan made an excellent point about how to achieve a high probability of success by stating that it is wise to find at least 7 people in an organization that you work to engage with to ensure that they are satisfied with your product offering. Make sure that they are decision-makers but also people who will be involved in the actual use of your product or service at some level. Overall, Evan Addams provided excellent advice for how to scale a business. His stories and real-world experience are inspiring and informative. I look forward to implementing some of his advice.

4 thoughts on “1 to $100 million”
  1. I enjoyed reading your post about Evan Addams. I agree that he provided great advice for how too scale a future business, like you said very informative and inspiring!

  2. Jake, this is very inciteful. I appreciated Evan Adam’s lecture as well. The idea of being connected to the actual decision makers goes a long way. The use of his first hand experience will prove beneficial so that we can learn from him and get a head start using his knowledge.

  3. I agree, I think Evan Adam’s did a great job on informing the class on the importance of getting connected to and the process of how to connect with the real decision makers of the company.

  4. Evan Adam’s talked about important aspects of the sales process and how he gained success in the field through his own experiences. I love the point you made saying, ” If it was easy, everyone would do it.” I find that very interesting and use that whenever I find myself in a situation where I might be struggling. there will always be times when you don’t know what is next, but it is important to stay focused on your vision and do everything in your control to help achieve it.

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