Lowe’s has proven over and over again that their focus on the customer and meeting their needs and addressing their pains is key to their sales and the success of the business. They started off and continue to be a DIY-based business to help customers who have strong desires to improve their lives with multiple projects that they aspire to complete throughout their life. Lowe’s has been able to focus their business on the community and meet the needs of anyone who is interested. They often even use on-sight sales and some of the Lowe’s associates will travel to other companies to address their desires to gain business and a sales relationship for their company. They also provide installation and 24/7 customer service to serve their customers at almost any time and any place.

Lowe’s also has been providing much through their community services by providing hardware and beds to the children in need in the community, for example. They have a service attitude and foundation in their business, and this can oftentimes increase their sales and the overall morale of the company. Lowe’s employees are strongly attuned to the desires of their customers through these kind acts, and it makes them a greater business overall. In addition, due to their popularity in being a successful business and willing to meet the needs of customers, some of their stores have tripled in sizes to better suite the customers who visit their stores, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. This gives them greater accessibility to products and services providing from the Lowe’s superstore.

Overall, in business as a whole, success and the ability to do well in sales, or life as a whole, is connected to being attuned and willing to be interested in prospects needs and their desires to have a better life and to get what they are looking for. This is a very helpful technique in all sales and in relationships as a whole as well. Just want to listen and be available to help when you can.

Our business | Lowe’s Corporate (lowes.com)

2 thoughts on “Lowe’s Sales – Searching the Pain and Finding Success in Community”
  1. This is a really good example of a company that listens to its customers and responds accordingly to its needs. Their is also a lot to be said about Lowe’s outreach and their desire to go above beyond. Last summer I worked as a warehouse associate for Lowe’s and I was impressed by the way they did business. Good stuff!

  2. This is great advice! Service attitude is essential for business. Giving is infectious too in a great way! When people feel seen and invited, they’re much more likely to listen and be open to engaging in business!

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