Dan Hudock provided us with a useful perspective on what being a salesperson entails. Rather than continuing to focus on the customer side of the transaction, it is also important to think about the value that you bring to the sales conversation. According to Dan, it is required to know your own value in order to be a great entrepreneur and salesperson. In the world of sales, the person that talks about themselves a lot always loses. The difference between knowing your own value versus displaying it is an important distinction so that you do not come across as pushy or pompous. To make the other person feel comfortable in the conversation, you must balance how much you talk about what you offer with discovering the needs of the other person. Another method to make them feel comfortable is to use your body language as communication. This relates to the “chameleon effect” to match the body language of the other person in a subtle and subconscious manner. Dan told us that a salesperson is made up of three specific characteristics to make them successful. These include their sales technique, behavior, and attitude. This combination of characteristics provides a well-rounded salesperson that can attune to their prospect as well as know their own value in the context of the sale. Dan dived deeper into the characteristic of a salesperson’s attitude by conducting an experiment that made us think about how we could have better attitudes about ourselves. Some of these include not being afraid to fail, asking for help, refraining from complaints, not comparing yourself to others, and knowing you are loved. When taking these into account and putting them into action, it provides a useful foundation to approach sales with. Especially since we are made up of mind, body, and spirit, we should approach a sales conversation with the notion that the other person we talk to also has these three parts to their whole person that differs from ourselves.

3 thoughts on “Wisdom of Dan Hudock”
  1. There is definitely a benefit to knowing your own value but knowing how to control it like he said so you are not too pushy. Confidence is very important in anything we do. As we continue to do things, we build confidence. I believe confidence and knowing your own value go hand in hand. When used correctly, they can be extremely beneficial in sales.

  2. This is definitely great advice! Knowing your own value is great advice too because then it takes the pressure off from having to talk about yourself so much as well!

  3. You will fail SOO much. Trust me. I know. Sales, sometimes, sucks. That’s why your point on knowing your worth is so important. Seprating your profession from your person is huge. Your failure in the workplace does not for a second detract from who you are and how much you matter. Your worth is not tied up in sales numbers (and thank God for that!)

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