On Friday, we had Dave Starcher, from Keystone Ridge Designs and Grove City College Alumni speak in class. He discussed a lot of his sales experience and made selling look easy, he also discussed a few of his favorite Sandler Rules. One of the points that he made was “You only have to be gutsy for five seconds.” It can be difficult to take the necessary step to move up to the next level or reach out to an intimidating prospect. However, if for five seconds you decide to be fearless and make the call, introduce yourself, or take action, you get over the hump and may have just moved to the next level. Fear can be a huge roadblock in sales, the possible rejection, not having confidence in your sales skills or even wondering if you can answer the necessary questions. But either you win or you learn, and the only way to learn is to try.

One of the coolest experiences I have had selling was because I took a risk and reached out to a prospect. Once I got talking to them they were excited about what I was doing and invited me for an in-person, second meeting. At that meeting made my first sale with what seemed like a promising future relationship. Although it can be really difficult to overcome the thought of what is being risked, the reward can be greater than imagined.

2 thoughts on “All it takes is 5 seconds”
  1. Mr. Starcher gave some outstanding advice when he spoke in class last week. The one that stuck out to me the most was to be gusty for five seconds. As you pointed out, those five seconds are all it takes to make a huge stride forward. It is so important to remember that the worst that can happen is a simple “no” and we have even learned from class that a no is not even that bad. Instead of leaving an opportunity wide open, take a shot and just maybe that shot will pay off. You never know until you try.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post since I unfortunately had to miss that class. That is such good advise that you only have to be gusty for 5 seconds. That’s enough to start a great conversation and possibly a great relationship.

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