In the class discussion, a very important motto was given that stuck with me. “All you have to do is be gutsy for 5 seconds.” This lingered in my mind for the next few days after I heard it, and the more I thought about it, the more it stuck with me. being gutsy can lead to opportunities you were never able to capitalize on if you just sat back and did nothing about it. Being gutsy can give salespeople confidence and give them the opportunity to sell effectively. Being gutsy can help a salesperson project confidence and overcome any doubts they might have gone in. Taking risks and trying new things is an important aspect of sales. Salespeople who are willing to take risks and try things that normal people wouldn’t do are much more likely to succeed in sales. Being gutsy can inspire others and help lead more salespeople. Taking a huge risk, then eventually finding success can help motivate other salespeople do the same and create a culture of risk-taking and success in a sales environment.  It can help salespeople think outside the box and come up with new and innovative ways to connect with their coworkers and customers in order to close more deals. Gutsy salespeople are not afraid of rejection and can become very persistent in their efforts when selling. This can lead to more opportunities for bigger sales that ordinary salespeople won’t get the chance to close.

One thought on “Being Gutsy.”
  1. 5 seconds of extreme guts. Love this principle. Sometimes you’ll never have the door wide open for you to put your foot into and you have to bust the thing wide open.

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