The 31st Sandler rule is “Close the sale or close the file” which essentially is the idea of understanding that sometimes not every prospect you encounter is right for the product or service you are trying to sell them. The 3 questions you as a salesperson need to keep in mind during a pitch is 1: Is it a good fit for both of us? 2: Is this person willing to work with me? and 3: Could my efforts be more productive somewhere else? If during a pitch, you as the salesperson get the feeling that the prospect is not willing to  come to agreeable terms that would benefit the both of you, the prospect does not see the pitch being a good fit, or maybe you are just wasting your time going back and forth,  you have to be prepared to walk away. This is an extremely important sales tactic all salespeople should be prepared to execute because the goal of any sales process is not to try to get the prospect to just say yes, but instead to embark on a mutual discovery process to determine if your companies should do business together. Some ways to determine if the prospect is even interested in doing business is to ask specifically worded questions to get them to open up and reveal their true feelings about the pitch. Some questions include “Do you think this is a good fit for the both or us” or even be more forward and say “so, should I just close the file?” From there you can get a feel if the deal will work out in both party’s favor. If not, then you can simply state you don’t feel that an agreeable solution can be reached and proceed to end the meeting.

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