There is an old way of selling which involved manipulation, aggression, and sometimes flat out lying.  While there are still plenty of salespeople who use these tactics to simply sell as much as they can, there are many others who are understanding, communicative, and helpful in their sales conversations.  However, there are 3 myths which Pink points out which stemmed from these older sales strategies.

First, when people think of a salesperson, they often think of a blockhead.  People now have a connotation that salespeople are dumb and stupid.  People think that salespeople have no deeper understandings, and can’t comprehend real humans.

The second myth about modern salespeople is that they are money grubbers.  People think that sales people are just greedy and out to get their money.  They think that you must be greedy in order to be a salesperson, and that every salesperson just wants to sell them something and doesn’t care about they actually need.

The third myth is the myth of the natural.  People believe that you must have a born skill to be a good salesperson.  They believe that selling is a natural talent and not something that can be learned.

There are many myths which stemmed from an outdated sales model which now give people a prejudice against salespeople.  This makes selling harder because people often will start a sales conversation with their guard up.  It is the job of the salesperson now to break that barrier by building a relationship with the prospect and building their trust.

4 thoughts on “The sales myths”
  1. It’s true that these myths about salespeople can create barriers to effective sales conversations. However, it’s important to note that not all salespeople are created equal, and the way in which someone sells can vary widely.

    As you pointed out, there are salespeople who use outdated tactics such as manipulation, aggression, and lying. These tactics can be effective in the short-term, but they often lead to distrust and negative long-term consequences.

    On the other hand, there are salespeople who prioritize understanding, communication, and helpfulness in their interactions with prospects. These salespeople aim to build trust and relationships with their prospects, which can lead to more successful and sustainable sales outcomes.

  2. As a sales person, I’m glad that these three things are classified as myths! However, the salesperson is the one that makes them a myth, by not practicing manupulative practices.

  3. The old way of selling, which relied on manipulation and aggression, has created negative stereotypes about salespeople that still persist today. As Daniel Pink points out, there are three myths that stem from this outdated sales model that affect the way people view salespeople. However, modern salespeople have moved away from these tactics and now prioritize building relationships and helping their customers. Breaking down these myths and building trust with prospects is crucial for modern salespeople. By focusing on understanding the customer’s needs and providing genuine solutions, salespeople can overcome these negative stereotypes and build successful relationships with their customers.

  4. Great analysis of this article. The negative stereotypes of salespeople, perpetuated by the old ways of selling, have created a barrier that modern salespeople must overcome in their conversations with potential customers. While some salespeople still use manipulation and aggression to make a sale, many have embraced a more understanding and communicative approach. The three myths about modern salespeople – that they are blockheads, money-grubbers, and “naturals” – only serve to hinder the process of building trust and relationships with customers. It is up to the salesperson to dispel these myths and create a positive, trusting environment for their sales conversations.

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