Recently I was working at Playthings Etc. (the world’s coolest toy store) when I encountered a customer asking for some toys for her nephew’s birthday. This is a very common request and, having four brothers, I can very easily recommend some great toys. I was showing this woman all kinds of different toys around the store, all the while telling her the ones I liked and the ones that I was not really a huge fan of. Throughout the experience, I was trying to be genuine and honest, not just push the most expensive stuff out there to make a sale she wouldn’t be as satisfied with. By the end of her shopping experience I had helped her pick out some of my favorite items in the store and I wished her the best of luck in giving them to her nephew, as well as telling her that anything he didn’t like we would be happy to return for her. I had no idea how much the experience meant to her until a few weeks later when I had stopped by an outdoor restaurant to chat with my dad by a campfire after working and her and her husband were at the same place. She walked right over and told me what an excellent job I had done in selling and how it was so honest and genuine that it didn’t even seem like I was trying to get her to buy something. My response was that I wasn’t trying to make her buy anything, but rather, I wanted to help her find the best products for her nephew. She then told me about her sales career and how being honest and genuine is the best and most successful way to make a sale, completely agreeing with the way I approached the situation. It was a really cool connection to make and an awesome reminder that honesty really is the best policy!

One thought on “Honesty is the best policy”
  1. Your story is a wonderful testament to the power of honesty and genuine customer service. It’s refreshing to hear how you approached the customer’s request for toy recommendations with sincerity and a genuine desire to help, rather than solely focusing on making a sale. Your commitment to finding the best products for her nephew and even offering a return option shows a level of care that goes beyond the transaction. The fact that the customer later approached you to express her appreciation speaks volumes about the impact your approach had on her. This story serves as a valuable reminder that honesty and authenticity are not only ethically right but can also lead to success in sales. It’s heartwarming to see how your actions resonated with the customer and reinforced the importance of genuine connections in building customer relationships.

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