Regardless of Your Role, Everyone is a Salesperson (

Sales are at the Core of success in every business.

The differentiator many times in the sales process is whether people recognize those opportunities and feel empowered to act upon them.

Everyone is moving towards a more collaborative version of sales.

A great way to encourage salesmanship in every employee is to recognize a job well done.

We want our employees to know clients personally and truly listen to their needs hence the designation for putting engineers in the sales roles.

Sales is not about selling its about finding ways you can help a client accomplish what they want to accomplish.

Joey Guida

5 thoughts on “Regardless of your Role, Everyone is a Salesperson”
  1. listening to the customers understanding their problems and caring to help solve them is crucial for selling it to them. Gaining their trust and understanding what you can do you help them out is something anyone selling should look at. Great Post!

  2. I agree with you Joey! Sales is at the heart of every successful business. As humans we need encouragement and we need to hear positive affirmations to help us know we are doing a good job. I think putting the right people in the correct roles is so important to the success of a business.

  3. Reading this was very interesting Joey! I agree that hearing positive feedback is very important to help boost their confidence. Sales is about helping people, good work!

  4. These are some good things when thinking about sales, though I think that these ideas were scattershot with one idea in one sentence. This post could’ve used better structure. Maybe next time say this is what I learned from the article and elaborate.

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