Sales has long been considered a distinct profession. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, about 1 in 9 U.S. workers are in a traditional sales role with the title of sales representative or account executive. However, sales are not just an industry, in the daily aspects of every job across different industries, the craft of salesmanship is used to perform their daily task.

In healthcare, Doctors, nurses, and healthcare providers have to be adept as salespeople. by treating the patients and giving them guidance on how to live healthy lives, they are selling a lifestyle to the patients for them to become healthier, selling the benefit of the treatment so the patient can be cured.

Teachers and professors are another example of salespeople. By teaching classes, they are selling their education material to the students who are listening, in return for the students to be educated. A good teacher should master the skill of salesmanship, and more students in class would pay attention and learn from the teacher.

the skill of sales also exists when you are interviewing for a job. In a job interview, you have to sell yourself, and your experience to the company, find out what the company needs by asking questions, and show why you would benefit the company if they hire you.

These are just a few examples of sales in different scenarios. Sales exist in our daily lives and in our jobs, mastering the art of salesmanship can improve your job performance.

By duzx20

One thought on “The Unseen Salesperson: How Everyone Plays a Role in Sales”
  1. This was very insightful. I never thought some of these could be considered salespeople on some level such as teachers, doctors, and nurses.

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