Generally, in a sales environment, people are prone to resort to tactics to protect themselves from a bad deal. This baggage from customers pasts has resulted in a lack of trust with salespeople. In order to get past these preconceived notions, salespeople must be attuned to pain. Understand that you will get turned down many times, but also learn from those rejections. You will only be successful if you can fully listen to potential customers/clients. The reason why many get rejected is because of the pushy and relentless tactics we all know of. Opposed to telling people why they “need” your service/product, you must listen and learn from clients to find the best fit. Not only does understanding your product/service matter, but you also need to understand future clients.

4 thoughts on “Understanding negative associations”
  1. I agree, James. Salesman must be able to handle rejection with a level head. Even sales attempts that are not closed can be beneficial for gaining information. It is important for salesman to ask questions in order to understand how buyers think and how they perceive them.

  2. James, I agree with your point of going through pain as a sales person. As you grow over time as a sales person you will go through pain to find the right customer. With rejection, a sales person is going to learn how to go about future calls and how to prospect the right client. great post.

  3. I completely agree. I think the aspect of pain is a necessary requirement. If an individual isn’t able to understand that rejection will play a large part in the sales process, then a lack of ability will manifest itself from that. One of the hardest parts of selling is the initial ability of the individual to put themselves out there. Once they get comfortable in this area then the overall sales process will become easier as a whole.

  4. Great takeaway! Failure and rejection are tough pills to swallow, but they do teach valuable lessons! I appreciated the way you highlighted perseverance as a necessity for sales. Its something most people tend to not see until they are already in a position!

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