Being new to the business world, it is filled with concepts that are foreign to me. Like coach was talking last week, having a model for sales can really change your outcome when interacting with a client. I never thought about this as my conception of a “model” was a robotic conversation that gets the job done, but leaves the client feeling like they didn’t have a human interaction.

What coach was able to show me was a model can be used to combine the personality of the salesman, while using time effectively to solve a problem, even finding a much narrower solution to a problem that without the model you may not have noticed. The model still leaves room for you as the salesman to engage with the client, make them laugh, and create an enjoyable environment. However, it allows you to stay on an agenda, without the client really noticing. This is, in my opinion, the way sales should be. You are finding things out about the client that narrow the scope of the conversation to the point where you can “earn the right to talk”. Coach’s talk really changed my outlook on how a sales conversation should look. I am excited to implement this style of thought into my own business career.

4 thoughts on “Models in Sales”
  1. What you have said here really is important for anybody who is trying to pursue a career in sales. My first impression of sales was following a script and trying to close deals with people, but I realized that there is a very unique way of communicating with the customer and making them feel like that you truly care about them and their situation. Coach’s talk in our class last week was truly transforming for me as well, we are not about our own selfish desires but about those who we want to help because in the end if they benefit, then we as salespeople benefit. It should be a win-win scenario, there is a lot to learn and I think what you have said here is going to get you onto the right path in the career you choose to pursue. Good job!

  2. I think your thoughts and reflections on the sales model are super relatable. Honestly, I see the entire sales class as being about about shifting our negative connotations on sales to see how it is really about solving other’s problems. I definitely would have defined the sales model as a stuffy script before. However, with Coach’s and Professor Sweets explanations, I see the importance in having some sort of a model or system when speaking with a lead.

  3. Yes, coach did put a really cool model on sales that I never seen or thought about before. It was easy to follow and truly see how the sales process works. Also describing his experience as a sales person was really cool. It is cool that he put it into a game you vs. consumer vs. product. Coach did a great job really allowingfor a bigger thought around sales.

  4. It’s fascinating how Coach’s discussion reshaped your understanding of a sales model, debunking the notion of robotic interactions and highlighting the potential for a more personalized and effective approach.

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