Within sales, a very important aspect of securing a customer is acting in a way that eases the customer’s previous connotations associated with the stereotypical salesman. Two of those important characteristics within the salesman’s demeanor are moving others and attunement. In order to pitch a product to a potential customer, it is rather rare for the buyer to purchase a product based on brash reasoning and poor motivation in regard to the seller. Because every seller is an entrepreneur, all sellers have to acclimate appropriately in order to sell. 


In the entrepreneurial sense, moving others concerning sales involves effective communication, persuasion, and the ability to create a collaborative vision or goal that motivates people to purchase the product or accept the idea at hand. Entrepreneurs must be able to convey the value of their products and persuade potential customers to choose their products or services over the competition. In addition to this, moving others involves not only conveying the benefits of the product or service but also boosting confidence among their fellow collaborators and stakeholders. 


Attunement, in short, is the ability to grasp and understand the perspectives, feelings, and needs of the potential customer or just people in general. It involves sympathizing with different stakeholders, being aware of their feelings and anxieties, and modifying one’s communication tactics accordingly. Attuning to customers builds relationships and customer rapport, leading to prospering relations with buyers. 

Both moving others and attunement are connected and contribute to the overall success of the entrepreneur. Effectively moving others requires an understanding of their wants and needs, which is facilitated by attunement. These skills are essential for building strong relationships, fostering partnerships, and achieving long-term success in sales. As a college student, pursuing a major that is not focused on sales, I forget that you do not have to be a certain type of person (i.e. flashy, extroverted) in order to sell something. Moving others and attunement are basic human qualities that are not difficult to access and convey in relationships. Selling something is a social skill that can be developed, but these two basic human characteristics are absolute necessities for the entrepreneur. 

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