I found it interesting that over 38% of people earn income from multiple sources. With how the times are changing, in order to achieve certain goals, we’re all going to have to find a way to meet them. For some people, they require less and don’t want as much in life when it comes to financial security. However, many people are pursuing other forms of income because they have different needs. The growing trend of artisans displays a sense of creativity and work ethic in the upcoming generation. All of these people are able to do these side passions because of technology and its versatility.

2 thoughts on “Micro-Entrepreneurship”
  1. I think it is really cool that because people’s goals and needs vary widely, each person finds their purpose in diverse opportunities and sources of income. While some prioritize financial security and stability with traditional employment, others are drawn to alternative paths that align with their passions and interests.

  2. You last point is interesting, that many people are only able to pursue these hobbies to new technologies. twenty to thirty years ago, the most the average middle-class American could have for a hobby was pretty much collecting rare pennies or origami, or other more passive and smaller scale hobbies. With the advent of same-day shipping, 3d printers, generative AI and other similar tools we see that for the first time the barrier to entry for industry is at an all-time low. Anyone can make something and show it to almost everyone else in the world in an instant through the internet. People can reach audiences they never could just a couple decades ago. You’re right in saying that technology has drastically improved our ability for micro-entrepreneurship.

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