There are hundreds of different sales models that a person could choose to follow in a buyer/seller interaction or pitch. There are long models, shorter models, models based on selling to investors, models based on selling to final customers, and an endless amount more considering each sales situation varies. It’s important to note, however, that when determining what kind of sales model you will let guide your decisions and behaviors, many of them may be old and/or outdated as far as selling techniques and strategies. For example, many older sales models emphasize “tricks and tips” that focus heavily on persuasion. Such strategies are often seen as pushy and manipulative nowadays, and therefore may not be the most effective to implement in your selling process. Contemporary and updated models, however, have a much deeper focus on relationship-based selling. This involves asking more questions and letting the potential buyer be heard in their wants, needs, and desires. It is not about you spewing out every good thing you could possibly offer to this person, but rather developing an understanding of what they are seeking the most, and whether or not you are the best person to fulfill and satisfy whatever that may be. It is very much solution oriented and involves a great amount of respect for the buyer, as you are ensuring that their best interest is at heart, and you will not simply throw out deals that gain you the most reward. It is a “win-win scenario” when buyers can have their needs properly and honestly met, and sellers achieve their goal in earning valuable customers that have trust in them. While selling without a system is not uncommon, it is much more ineffective and unsuccessful than selling with a model in mind. Systems thinking and selling help to establish the main goals of the salesperson, and keep the process organized, honest, and productive. 

One thought on “The Contemporary Sales Model”
  1. You summarize the contemporary sales model very well. I like how you distinguish it from the older outdated models. The contemporary model is done well is a great win-win situation for everyone involved.

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