In sales, it is not just about closing the sale, it is about having a deeper connection level with your customer. A way to do that is to have good emotional intelligence. Meaning, being able to have control over your emotions while still being able to affect the emotions of your customer or prospect. Having a deep connection with them serves so many benefits, one is having a good relationship leads to loyalty sometimes if things go bad, they don’t immediately jump ship, they stick it out with you in the long run. Loyalty in my opinion is one of the more important things to have from a customer because knowing that they are loyal to you, shows that you are doing something right, and continuing to do those things will lead to more customers being loyal. Good emotional intelligence shows that you truly care about the customer and what they have to say, rather than going on and on about yourself and whatever it is that you’re selling. Being able to focus on the emotions of your prospect leads to trust but also credibility. Having good control over your emotions shows your prospect that you can handle high-pressure situations that may come around, especially in the sales world. Also having good control over your emotions helps when you don’t get the sale and rather than lashing out you remain calm and stay within yourself so that you don’t get a bad reputation for being a hothead. Staying calm and collected with the ups and downs of sales conversations shows true emotional intelligence and that is a skill that will help you in aspects of your whole life, not just in sales. Don’t ride the highs and lows, stay within yourself through the good and bad, and you will see good results.

4 thoughts on “Emotional Intelligence in Sales – Blog Post #5”
  1. Mike, great post! I loved how you pointed out that having a high emotional intelligence is so crucial in the sales world. With this, you’re able to put yourself in their shoes, ask those deep questions, and overall have a good deep connection with the customer. Being empathetic is so important because it makes the customer feel validated and appreciated!

  2. Michael, you provide a lot of really great insight in this post! You mentioned that self-awareness is a really important part of a sales conversation, and I agree with you. If you are having a conversation and you are not aware of how much you are talking or what you are saying, that is often going to be an issue. This blog post was very well written, great job!

  3. Great insights on this post! I like where you said, “By understanding your own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses, you can present yourself authentically to customers, building trust and credibility.” This is so true, and I feel like more people need to take this to heart and put it into practice.

  4. EQ is such a big part of sales, people don’t even know the half of it from the outside perspective. As we’ve gone through this class I have increasingly seen just how important EQ truly is.

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