I found the lecture on body language to be among the most interesting topics recently in class. I think the reason I am so intrigued on this topic is because of how intertwined body language is in our daily interactions and how large of a role they play in social, cultural, and even professional settings. I have previously been exposed to body language examination in other classes, podcasts, television shows, and YouTube videos.  One television show I recall regularly watching was the show Brain Games, a show which examined how our brains respond to various stimuli. One episode of this show discussed how body language shapes our daily lives. Our lecture on body language, specifically strategic mimicry, reminded me of this episode. The show talked about how mimicry was actually a tactic, often subconsciously done, to convey interest and earn trust on dates. For example, if your date draws her hand towards her face, it is likely that you’ll do the same (assuming that you are actually interested in her). Similarly, body language can signal disinterest on a date. If your date angles her body away from you, it may be time to pack up and find a new girl to ask out.

I’ve decided to visit the website, sonamics.com, to take a look at various examples of body language to see which ones I notice myself doing. Some popular body language cues I recognize in myself include the humble handshake, the prayer, the roof, the head rest, the open hands, and the palm of dominance.

Humble Handshake: “Palm facing up when offering a handshake; inviting; as opposed to dominant (palm down) and the equal (palm sideways)”.

The Prayer: “Hands folded in front on a table.” I often display this during class. I believe I do it because my teachers throughout elementary school and grade school instilled this into myself and classmates and was almost compulsorily enforced.

The Roof: “Fingertips touch and hands form a triangle. Self, confidence, sovereignty, and convinced of what he’s saying”. I don’t use this often, but when I do, it is intentional. I leaned this body language from the show, and I try to adopt it during serious settings, such as interviews,

The Head Rest: “Disinterest, boredom, or fatigue”. I exhibit this body language in class often. I believe it to be a result of fatigue more often than boredom.

The Open Hands: “The person wants to show he can be trusted”. I use this body language most when I am telling an obvious fib or lie in attempt to be funny.

The Palm of Dominance: “The person claims a right; as opposed to palm up (submissive)”.  I notice I exhibit this body language when saying something sarcastic.

3 thoughts on “Blog Post 4: Body Language”
  1. Exploring the examples of body language cues on sonamics.com sounds like an enlightening exercise. It’s interesting to see which cues you recognize in yourself. It’s also fascinating how certain body language habits, like the prayer position or the head rest, can be influenced by past experiences or learned behaviors.

  2. Body language can things that the mouth doesn’t have to. Having good body language can be the factor that makes or breaks the sale. Good post!

  3. Body language does speak and communicate things we often don’t even realize, and it’s crazy to think about how it is all done subconsciously! It’s interesting that you looked at that website and were able to identify certain body language that you notice yourself doing that communicate certain messages to others!

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